Run club is a membership perk. Run club is a safe, fun way to learn how to run. This group starts together but is encouraged to go at each runners individual pace. The run leader will talk you through your first run, give form adjustments and help keep your mind positive. Available seasonally with your…

Yoga in Big Bear

Snow boarders are some of my favorite people. They smile easily. They look at nature as a carvable space. They come in different packages from all over the world. And good vibes is a tangible thing that they believe in wholeheartedly. I offered a morning session of yoga to the instructors at Big Bear Mountain.…

Nail Station Salon

These beautiful women work at a nail salon in Silverlake, LA California. Most of them carpool to work from areas slightly out of LA. Their days begin early and end late. Generally when they get home, they begin their second job of caring for home and family. Besides the fact that their income leaves little room for yoga classes, they are in need of a deep body stretch because of the way they sit all day. Their working posture rounds forward and is in a seated squat for hours at a time.

Mike and Molly

When I did my first yoga training the lead instructor said,”If you find yourself attracted to someone in your class don’t adjust them”. And we all laughed. There are moments of closeness with clients that can look flirty or inappropriate. A firm, assertive touch can stable a pose, make a pose safer or soothe someone.…

C5 Day

On a cold morning on the UC Fullerton campus, I met with a group of High School seniors ready to try something new. The group had just finished a month long college tour. Their lives were about to change. I was asked to give them their first yoga class to embrace these changes and introduce…